

It’s interesting being a part of a community workshop; all day long the message board is a flicker with posts and random comments from folks offering up materials and other interesting stuff. Such as, does someone want 30 cigar boxes? Then a few days later a project like this pops up on adafruit.com on how to “Build a Cigar Box MIDI Controller” and you say wait a minute I recognize that laser cutter.

A couple of members came together from the workshop to complete this project and it came out very nice. The guys from Highly Liquid have their offices in the building so not a big surprise, see the full “How To” with videos here. We are not huge homebrew music buffs but we still enjoy checking out their latest creations.


As for tonight, we are headed to the Columbus Idea Foundry to take part in some competitive lock picking with the local chapter of LockSport, then perhaps do a little light woodworking and maybe enjoy a few beers. It is truly a magical place; we would highly recommend a membership.


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Build a Cigar Box MIDI Controller for Max/MSP

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