If you’ve even mixed concrete, morter, leveling compound, plaster or any dry bagged products you have probably been on the inside of a large silica dust cloud, it was nearly impossible to avoid with traditional methods. The new OSHA Silica Dust Rules, Table 1 applications don’t provide an exemption for mixing with bagged goods because staying under 50 PEL in this application has been very very challenging to do safely.
The CS Unitec Eibenstock TwinMix 1800 ($1584) is the first solution we’ve seen that virtually eliminates visible dust from this process for mixing mortar, leveler, plaster and other bag goods. It does need to be attached to a vacuum CS1445 H ($599) or similar HEPA vac, not included. What we like most about this entire setup is that it actually improves efficiency on the job, as you can see in the video above, the cart easily detaches from the mixing station to get right where needed and easily pours. The system allows for continuous use with multiple carts going in succession, as we look to make these products safer for workers it is essential to see them become more efficient as well so they become welcome changes for the users.
We have not seem any 3rd party testing or official objective data on the TwinMix unit yet so it is not clear if it exceeds the standard or require a respirator after 4 hours or 8 hours of use. (CS UNITEC and all other manufacturers if/when Objective Data is available please post it online with the tools!) In terms of actually mixing it does a tremendous job with 2 mixing paddles, a helical rod (250/450 RPM) & scraper paddle (20/36 RPM) rotating in opposite directions with the single Eibenstock 15 AMP motor. All around we really like this new unit safety, production, ease of use it’s an all-around nice tool to work with.